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The technology we have available to us today has opened up and transformed the creative industries. We have more ways than ever before to tell stories, share experiences and explore cultures. But these opportunities also present challenges. How can we best utilise these technologies? How can share our stories in an authentic, engaging and relevant way?

StoryFutures works with businesses to support and fund innovation in next-generation storytelling formats and technologies. Our aim is to fuel innovation and growth in immersive storytelling by sharing cutting edge research with creative SMEs.

Funded by the UK government, and with commissioning partners like Roald Dahl Marvellous Children’s Charity, Heathrow Airport and the National Gallery, the work we do seeks to enhance the audience experience, develop data management, evolve business models and ultimately help SMEs secure funding for growth.

If you would like to come with us on this creative and digital journey then we would welcome you to get in touch about one of StoryFutures innovation opportunities:

  • StoryLab, which gives SMEs access to funding, facilities and university research and development with the goal of creating new immersive technological prototypes.
  • R&D on Demand, where businesses can collaborate and gain from cutting-edge university researchers through access to digital and creative expertise.

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