Lyell Work-Experience and Research Scholarships
The Department of Earth Sciences will award a number of annual “Lyell Scholarships” for students registered for a BSc or MSci degree in the Department.
The Lyell Scholarships, are typically worth £500 but potentially up to £1000, and are maintenance payments for students who wish to gain work-experience or research-experience over the summer break at the end of the second (BSc) or third (MSci) year of study. These will allow you to participate in research projects in the department, or in other UK institutions for ~20 days, or they can be put towards a more ambitious plan (e.g. a project abroad). They cannot be used to fund projects that are part of your normal degree scheme.
The scholarships are offered on a competitive basis and will be awarded to the best students with the best proposals. If you would like to take advantage of this scheme, you need to talk to potential "employers" (e.g. members of RHUL staff, contacts in industry). The work-experience or research will be conducted in the Department of Earth Sciences or at the premises of one of our many Industry partners. Members of staff will propose projects for which students may apply.
Scholarships will be awarded each summer on a competitive basis. The application process consists of sending a completed Lyell Scholarship Application Form to the Research Committee, c/o Lynne White (
The scheme is named in honour of Sir Charles Lyell, one of the founders of the science of Geology, who was appointed as the first Professor of Geology at King’s College London in 1830. He was, therefore, instrumental in establishing one of the Geology departments that was later to form the Department of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway University of London, in 1985.